Compliance Checks/Invoice Validation

Using the CSID from the previous stage you will have to pass compliance checks where you will need to upload valid tax documents (invoice, credit note, and debit note) to the ZATCA portal. The portal checks the validity of the documents.

You will need to upload documents which are either a valid UBL2.1 schema structure or pass a JSON file with a schema defined by MI. The schema of the invoice can be found here.

If you are uploading a UBL2.1 compliant document then please be aware that the following xpaths would be added by MI during the validation/e-invoice generation process.

For B2C Documents

  • UBLExtensions

  • ProfileID

  • UUID

  • IssueDate

  • IssueTime

  • PIH

  • ICV

  • QR

  • Signature

For B2B Documents

  • ProfileID

  • UUID

  • IssueDate

  • IssueTime

  • PIH

  • ICV

If you receive any errors during the Invoice Validation phase then the following needs to be done

  • Fix the errors as you will not be able to complete the onboarding process otherwise

  • You will be redirected back to the OTP page and you will need to redo the entire onboarding process

Last updated