Get Invoice in PDF

To generate the signed invoice in a PDF format you can use this API. This API converts the signed XML UBL2.1 compliant invoice into a Human Readable PDF format. The template of which is inspired from the ZATCA SDK.

Request Method


Request Path


Request Params

Request Headers


200 (OK)

Response will be a file of PDF format

404 (Not found)

If invoice is not found in the database

    "message" : "Invoice Does not exist in the database"
    "success": false,
    "error_code": 1001,
    "data": {}

401 (Permission Error)

You will get 401 errors when the token is invalid.

500 (Server Error)

If there is a server error during the invoice processing

    "message": "Internal Server Error",
    "success": false,
    "error_code": 1001,
    "data": {}

Last updated