This page showcases the responses for the einvoice API. The responses remains the same for either input type
200 (OK)
If the Invoice has been successfully inserted in our system. Then you will received the following response
Indicates where the process was successful or not
"Invoice is being processed/Any other message"
Will be 0 if "success" is True and some other value if "success" is False. Please share the error code to us incase there is a problem with the integration
dictionary which contains some of the invoice metadata
Invoice ID
Invoice UUID
Sample Response
400 Bad Request
If the application has some issues with the pre-processing of the document we will return 400. This could be the following
Basic issues in the JSON inputs provided
Issues in constructing the final UBL2.1 document
Incorrect values in the generated UBL2.1 document
If the onboarding was incomplete/not done for the taxpayer
401 (Permission Error)
If the mandatory headers are not passed then a 401 response will be returned. Additionally if the APIKey used in the system has expired then you will receive a 401 response. Format of the response is not consistent but you can fetch them from the status code and either inform us to renew the APIKey and try again.
500 Server Error
If there was an unexpected crash in the system you will receive a server error. If this error is seen please share the response to us and we will investigate from our end and see what the problem could be.
503 Service Unavailable
If the server is down and we are unable to process the document then this error would be returned. Normally this should never happen apart from scheduled maintenance phases, but they do happen please let us know.
Last updated